Having a diagnosis of cancer can unleash a flood of fear and anxiety. You will learn how to manage your thoughts, explore and discover how the interactions of your beliefs and feelings can have profound effects on your health and well-being.
Sonny Rose, M.A., Founding Director of The Healing Beyond Cancer, is presenting a free mini workshop to help you shift from dis-ease to ease.
You will be learning more ways to manage your fears and anxiety through guided meditation as well as using energy management techniques designed to tap into your intuition. You will learn how to shift your perspectives, so that you may find more peace and ease.
This process greatly enhances your body’s innate ability to heal itself and deepen your spiritual growth.
This mini event will be offered once a month, as a free mini workshop, to give you the opportunity to connect with others and create a sacred space. Each workshop will give you an opportunity to build a trusting relationship with your body/mind/ and spirit.
This free mini work shop is open to anyone who has been touched by cancer. On occasion, we will have guest presenters who offer powerful healing modalities. Please bring pen and paper
Please call 978.369.7733 for more information or email.
You can read more about this event at The Gentle Place website.